Come To The Dark Side, We Have Chocolate Protein
Product feature: Chocolate Protein Powder
I feel like there is a small stigma around protein shakes these days and that could potentially be because everyone, influencer or not, is talking about them. And while many of these meal replacement shakes have been advertised across social media as one of the top weight loss solutions, in my own personal experience it has simply helped me make better health choices for the last two years. In fact, I am the heaviest (and happiest) I have ever been and I am carrying my weight in all the right places.
Whether you are just getting to know Shelby Sides or you have been a subscribed reader for some time now, you butterflies may have caught on to my obsession with chocolate. A fun (if not interesting) fact about me is that I used to eat a pint of Haagen Daz chocolate ice cream every. damn. day when I was in high school. And by eat...I really mean inhale because the pint was almost always gone in like 5 minutes of peeling back that plastic cover.
But guess what?
As a twenty-something that is starting to realize that you are what you eat, I still enjoy chocolate every day but with one key difference.
Instead of opting for a sugar packed pint, I have been reaching for a creamy chocolate protein shake for the last two years and it has had a huge impact on my health journey. On top of helping cut down my dairy intake, which has drastically minimizing my bloat, my daily shakes have been fueling my mornings with more productivity and my meal prepped lunch actually makes it past 9 am.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. This is something that has been ingrained in my memory since the days commercials were almost mandatory to watch. Over the years, I have learned exactly why breakfast should be a key component of your morning routine but the truth is I have never been much of a breakfast person. And while I am an avid fan of waffles and eggs bennys for brunch, there was a long season where more often than not I would choose to fast until lunchtime. I am notorious for running late to almost anything but if I am being truly honest with you, the majority reason why I opted to skip breakfast was because I wanted to start the day as “skinny” as possible.
It took an incredible amount of growth to change this perspective and it wasn’t until I started loving the skin I am in that I realized that food wasn’t the enemy, my mindset was. Integrating nutrient packed shakes into my routine has not only saved me time to lay in bed just a bit longer but it also has helped me develop my appetite and keeps me from constantly indulging in the tasty scones of my local coffee shop.
A product of my new relationship with food is my Healthy Living Ebook and Volume 02 is coming along beautifully. I initially launched this recipe book series as an additional resource for those transitioning into a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle and it has been leading me to a place of self-love that I never thought I would have gotten. I get the hesitations about protein shakes, but I am inviting you to come to the dark side, we have chocolate that you just can’t resist.
Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself with this sneak peek of what is to come from Healthy Living Volume 02.
The Best Chocolate Acai Bowl
- 1 Packet Sambazon Acai Packets
- 1 Frozen Banana
- 5 Frozen Strawberries
- 2 Scoops Arbonne Chocolate Protein Powder
- 1/4 Scoop Arbonne Fiber Boost
- 1 TBSP Chia Seeds
- 1/4 Cup Cold Water
- Add in chocolate protein powder, fiber boost, and blend.
- Once blended, add in frozen strawberries and blend again until smooth.
- Pour into a bowl and top with the other half of the banana sliced along with a sprinkle of chia seeds.
- Enjoy!
This has been one of the easiest ways to incorporate a healthy decision in my day and it is one that I look forward each morning. If you are hoping to add more clean options to your current lifestyle, I definitely recommend this tasty chocolate acai bowl!
Until next time, tah.
Shelby is an Independent Lifestyle Consultant with Arbonne International and does receive a commission off any purchases that are made through her link. All recommendations are genuine and represent Shelby's current routine.